Меня зовут Марина и я гид по Риму с опытом болле7 лет. приглашаю вас посетить мои экскурсии по этому удивительному городу и не только чтобы проникнуться духом авантюризма!!! Я знаю идеальные места для фото, классные ресторанчики для ужинов и местные секреты, которые порой необходимы туристу, чтобы полюбить город. Мы пройдёмся по узким улочкам и дотронемся до древних стен, приоткроем завесы тайн и загадок истории — всё это на нашей дружественной прогулке по Вечному городу и Италии. Рим не похож ни на одну столицу Европы, он особенный, он живой. Мы заглянем в душу этого города и, поверьте, она вас удивит и откроет свои вековые тайны! Всегда с улыбкой и хорошим настроением, мы отправляемся открывать для себя Рим!

Author's guide to Venice by Mariarti
Hello, friends, thank you for your interest in my routes. My guide to Venice includes a one-day author's excursion in the style of Mariarti with secret locations that not everyone will tell you about, as well as a lot of practical information on how to get to Venice, what to travel on, what is worth trying in Venice and where, and many useful tips for a trip to one of the most beautiful cities in the world. more details
The price of the guide "One day in Venice" is 15 euros. 1. Indicate in a message to the number WhatsApp +371 25 289 728 which payment method is more convenient for you, you can also write to me in a social network in direct! Payment is available through - Revolut, Paypal, postepay.
2. Do not forget to leave your e-mail, where within 24 hours I will send a letter with the guide! Have a nice trip!
Angels and Demons
In the Footsteps of Robert Langdon
From piazzas and fountains to churches and cathedrals, you'll see the main sights of Rome, visited by the Harvard University professor in the book.
For a group of 1-3 people 200 euros
For a group of 4-5 people 250 euros
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The Church of Santa Maria della Vittoria, the Pantheon, the Angel Castle, Piazza del Popolo and other mysterious and beautiful places of the capital will be included in our itinerary.
Fascinating stories of the Eternal City
Of course, you will not only visit the places of Robert Langdon, but also learn the secrets hidden in the buildings of Rome and on the pages of Dan Brown's book. We will discuss the wild customs of antiquity and the Egyptian obelisks adorning the city. Let's talk about the election of a new Pope and the symbols of the head of the Vatican. I will help you find the Illuminati signs and the devil's hole leading to the underground crypt. Magnificent views, legends and mystical mysteries of "Angels and Demons" — this walk through Rome will be an exciting and unusual adventure.
Organizational details
• Additional expenses (optional): coffee — from 1.5€/person
• The length of the route is about 12 km. If you get tired, we will take a coffee break or relax by the fountains (in this case, the tour may last a little longer). An automotive format is also possible.
• In summer, it is better to start the tour in the early morning (for example, at 8:00) or in the evening after 17:00. This way we will avoid the scorching sun and enjoy the walk
Attention! This is a sightseeing route, it is recommended to start exploring the city with this tour, and complement it with our exclusive route "Rome Mystical". In two days you will get acquainted with most of the city and will be well-oriented. Other routes from the list do not overlap with the locations of these two sightseeing ones, so if you like our style, choose more offers — the sights are practically not duplicated.
Meeting place
The tour starts either at St. Peter's Square or at the Aqua Felice Fountain. You will find out the exact meeting place immediately after booking.

Rome is Mystical
Mysterious stories and
picturesque Trastevere
We will meet in one
of the most beautiful squares in Rome, from where the lovely streets will lead us to the square where Giordano Bruno was burned.
For a group of 1-3 people 170 euros
For a group of 4-5 people 200 euros
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We will talk about the Inquisition, the mores of bygone eras, the dramas of the past and the most notable and scandalous Roman citizens.
After crossing the Tiber, accompanied by the spirit of the river — Tiberin — we will find ourselves in the legendary Trastevere area. Its neighborhoods will greet us with the aromas of coffee and cozy jellies. We'll take a look at the ancient church — I'll tell you about the secrets of the basilica.
The Jewish Ghetto
Crossing the Tiber again, we will get to the area of the Jewish ghetto. Incredible legends are woven into its tragic history: you will hear about the events of the ancient centuries, about the fountain of Turtles built in one day, about medieval executions and the events of Mussolini's time.
Secrets of Capitol Hill
The third part of the tour is the place of power and the main hill of the city. We will climb the Michelangelo stairs, and at the top we will admire the views of the Roman Forum from the panoramic platform, find the legendary she-wolf on the first of the seven hills of Rome and discover the secrets together!
Organizational details
• The length of the route is approximately 7-8 km, and the duration of the tour may vary depending on your walking pace and the number of stops for coffee or a smoke break
• The program includes little-visited locations with a floating work schedule, so they can be replaced with other, no less interesting ones
• For a walk, choose outfits that cover your knees and shoulders, as the route involves visiting churches
• I will be happy to take a keepsake photo for you (let me know in advance if I need to take my camera)
Attention! This tour is an excellent addition to the "Angels and Demons" sightseeing route, from which it is recommended to start on the first day, and take the "Rome mystical"
Meeting place on the second
The tour starts by appointment (usually at Navona Square). You will find out the exact meeting place immediately after booking.

The Magic Trastevere
This route will open up to you an "undiscovered" part of the historical center of Rome, which is located on the other side of the Tiber. We will wander through the narrow streets, constantly looking for lost medieval churches, shops and colorful taverns where the history of Rome was made. .
For a group of 1-3 people 170 euros
For a group of 4-5 people 200 euros
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Here you will hear mystical legends, see the house where the beloved of the famous Raphael lived, the place where the smallest and oldest bell in Rome is located, and if you want, we will go down into the dungeons or visit places where the true spirit of the quarter has been preserved. The standard duration of the walk is 2.5 hours.
If desired, the walk can be extended for 1-2 hours and we can visit the famous Villa Farnesina (tickets cost 16 euros, the villa is open to the public from Monday to Saturday, from 9 to 14 o'clock. It is closed on Sundays and public holidays) or I will invite you to climb one of the highest hills in Rome — the Janiculum, where I will tell you the story of this mystical and romantic place and its monuments. The surcharge for each hour on top of the standard duration is 50 euros.

Freemasons, Templars, and esotericists.
We will go to the most peaceful quarter of Rome — Trieste, the quarter of foreign embassies, residences of bankers, notaries and lawyers, where respectability and cool peace reign.
For a group of 1-3 people 200 euros
For a group of 4-5 people 250 euros
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It is in this part of Rome that a first—class example of esoteric architecture has been preserved — an ensemble built by one of the most famous Masons of the era - Gino Coppede. We will decipher the Templar codes and look for the very Grail. If time permits, after the "Coppede" we will go to Villa Torlonia, on the territory of which there is another wonderful monument of Italian Liberty — casina delle Civette ("Owl House"), where you can go at the end of the walk.
Organizational details
• The price does not include tickets for public transport and the Owl House Museum (8 euros per person). The museum is open from 9 to 19, closed on Monday.
• Shoes should be comfortable for walking, if it's hot — a bottle of water is required!
Meeting place
The meeting place is by agreement with the guide, you can discuss it when ordering a tour.